COP16 30x30 Action Day

High-Level 30×30 Thematic Day at the UN CBD COP16 Meeting

GBF Pavillion (Blue Zone), Cali – Colombia

29th October, 2024


0930 – High-Level Welcome Keynote

1030-1530 – High-Level Roundtables

1600 Closing – High-Level Ministerial Panel 

1730 – Evening Reception

This 30×30 Action thematic day will be an opportunity to take stock of progress, to highlight gaps and challenges and provide recommendations towards the achievement of the GBF target 3 commitments, to protect at least 30% of the planet’s land and inland waters and 30% of our ocean by 2030.

The high-level opening session will introduce the topic of the day and the different roundtables. It will also include a short presentation on the Protected Planet Report 2024, which will be formally launched by UNEP-WCMC later in the day. This presentation will outline the results of this first official stock-take of progress on Target 3, setting the scene for the Action Day’s discussions.

The ministerial and high-level roundtables will provide an opportunity to have in-depth discussions on the following critical issues related to 30×30 with the aim of concluding the discussion with key recommendations to move forward.

  1. Progress towards 30×30, in increasing the coverage and progress on 30×30 (figures, challenges, possible solutions) and in the qualitative components of 30×30 (management, effectiveness, impacts, governance, connectivity)
  2. Integrating 30×30 into public and private finance and economic sectors,
  3. The recognition of traditional territories and respect of the rights of IP&LCs.

Co-Organized by the HAC N&P, IUCN-WCPA and the CBD Secretariat

Supported by the GEF-financed and World Bank-led Global Wildlife Program

Co-hosted by the governments of Colombia and France and by African Wildlife Foundation, Alliance for Biodiversity – CIAT, Bezos Earth Fund, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Blue Nature Alliance, Business for Nature, Campaign for Nature, Conservation International, Flora and Fauna, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Global Ocean Alliance (GOA), the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB), International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB), IUCN, NatureXpairs, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Re:wild, UK Natural History Museum, UN Development Program (UNDP), UNEP-WCMC, Pew Charitable Trusts, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), World Resources Institute (WRI), World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF), the World Bank, and many other organizations from the public and private financial institutions and the private sector.

Presented by

Co Hosts


Other 30x30 Events At COP16

Please find a full database of 30×30 related COP16 events here.