About Us

The HAC for N&P story

The High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People 
(HAC for N&P) is an intergovernmental group of 120 countries co-chaired by Costa Rica and France, which was originally set up to deliver a global agreement of protecting at least 30% of planet’s land and 30% of the planet’s ocean by 2030.

The HAC for Nature and People

Following the success at COP15, where a global deal to protect 30% of the world’s land and sea by 2030 was successfully adopted as part of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the HAC for N&P is now focused on ensuring the delivery of this goal. The 30×30 goal will be vital in our efforts to halt accelerating species loss and protect the vital ecosystems that safeguard human health and economic security.

The HAC for N&P story


The High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People is led by rotating co-chairs and supported by an International Steering Committee composed of 15 HAC for N&P members.

International Steering Committee

Minister Franz Tattenbach Capra

Costa Rica | Co-chair

Vice-Minister Yutaka Matsuzawa


Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher

France | Co-chair

Minister Maisa Rojas


Minister Steve Reed

United Kingdom | Ocean Champion

Minister Susana Muhamad


Minister Thoriq Ibrahim


Minister Tanya Plibersek


Minister Dr. Iziaq Adekunle Salako


Minister Tore O. Sandvik


Minister Steven Guilbeault


Acting Assist. Secretary Jennifer JR Littlejohn


Minister Amna bint Abdullah Al Dahak


Minister Flavien-Joubert


Minister Maurice Ntossui Allogo


Task Forces

Subnational Task Force

At COP15, several subnational governments led by the government of Quebec and the government of California, launched a dedicated task force, in partnership with the HAC for N&P, for subnational entities. While the first objective of this task force was to increase 30×30 advocacy during COP15, the members are currently working together to support the effective implementation of 30×30 at the subnational level in addition to outreaching several countries that are not yet part of the Coalition.

The subnational task force is also considering contributing to capacity-building and technical assistance activities of the Coalition post-COP15. 
The task force is currently composed of California, Quebec, São Paulo, Campeche, Wales, Scotland, Catalonia, and Île-de-France.

Task Forces

IPLC Task Force

Following open criticism targeted at the 30×30, the HAC for N&P and the IIFB have worked hand in hand in this task force. The main objective of this task force is
to establish an ongoing dialogue between IPLC representatives and HAC for N&P members. This has led to specific recommendations from the members concerning the introduction of collectively built wording on IPLC rights within the 30×30 target.

During COP15, the task force was particularly active in seeking consensus and bringing concrete wording proposals to the table. Since then, the IIFB has nominated a dedicated HAC for N&P focal point to continue strengthening the links between the two initiatives with the aim of involving IPLC representatives in Coalition activities and strategy development for implementing this global target.

Task Forces

30×30 Task Force

This taskforce was set up in the run-up to COP15 in order to provide an open platform to share information about the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and discuss target 3 wording. Before each negotiation session, the task force collectively prepared target 3 wording recommendations for HAC for N&P members. The task force helped showing a united front on target 3.

During OEWGs and COP15, the task force also met physically to coordinate on the ground and provide quick reactions from the Coalition in the room. With the adoption of Target 3 and the GBF, the 30×30 task force is no longer active.

HAC for N&P 

Day-to-day operations of the HAC for N&P are conducted by the Secretariat:

Rita M. El Zaghloul


Odile Conchou

Deputy Director

Jason Dozier

Senior Program Officer 
on Political Mobilization

Domoina Rakotobe

Senior Program Officer for Technical Assistance & Capacity Building

Juliana Echeverri

Associate for Technical Assistance & Capacity Building

Valentina Oben

Communication and Engagement Specialist

Kathrin Seel

Executive Assistant

on behalf of the Protecting Our Planet Challenge

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